Solid Base International School

Building a solid base for life

Principal Message

Principal’s message​

Our vision of ‘A center of transformation, dedicated to academic excellence’ and ‘building a Solid base for life’ has been our driving force wherever we find ourselves.

We remain focused on our vision, being passionate about developing young minds with self-confidence and of exemplary character from all indication, our mission is accomplished as these set of graduates have been transformed positively, has been built, on a solid foundation which has infused in them self-confidence and exemplary character in society.

Retrospectively, we recall the many social and academic activities that transpired in 2021/2022 academic session. Few events that made headlines include the following.

mrs omolara coker
  • We took first in the MSI (Mathematics competition with award given to Oluwanifemi Olarenwaju a JSS3 students.
  • Colour day was held in the nursery section
  • Inter class mathematics competition in the primary section
  • The 5th annual inter house sport as the school also is aware of the need for the physical and sport nature of every child.
  • Spelling bee competition
  • Cultural day, which all cultural groups in Nigeria were represented and greatly appreciated.
  • Old school day, and lots more.

I wish to conclude by appreciating the efforts of the school management for their support in various ways to achieving our goals. Appreciation also goes to the teaching and non-teaching staff for their hard work and efforts towards making the school beautiful and conducive environment for learning.

Again, I congratulate the year six pupils who are saying good bye to primary school and the J.S.S 3 students who are moving forward to senior secondary school. I wish you all good success in all your academic pursuit. To all parents, Pupils and students, I Love you all and God

Thank you